Make Room for Laughter

Even while living in the confines of ever-expansive worry or pain In my brokenness, I will always make room for laughter

Laugh like your life depends on it! There is power in laughter. Sometimes laughing can be a release of negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and even anger. Sometimes, laughter can diffuse situations or be a warning on how one Continue reading Make Room for Laughter

Good Mourning – A Remembrance

On the morning of January 9th my mother called me at 7:41 a.m. My mom would not call me that early in the a.m. unless I asked for a wake-up call or… I already knew what she was going to tell me even before I heard her struggle to form the words. She tried to gather her breath to exhale her statement, “She’s gone. She went to sleep and didn’t wake up.” And like that my brain started trying to process the news that my grandmother was gone. Continue reading Good Mourning – A Remembrance

Love & Logic