Make Room for Laughter

Even while living in the confines of ever-expansive worry or pain In my brokenness, I will always make room for laughter

Laugh like your life depends on it! There is power in laughter. Sometimes laughing can be a release of negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and even anger. Sometimes, laughter can diffuse situations or be a warning on how one Continue reading Make Room for Laughter

Random Thought, 11/5/24

Sometimes I wish I could fast forward parts of my life and skip to the good parts. Tired of enduring the lows while I wait for the highs. Trying to maintain a positive outlook is eshausting in the face of so much negativity. It's why I prefer to be silent and shut the world out.

Update – January 25, 2025 So, I know I posted this back in November, but the prophetic parts of me knew what was to come. There’s no escaping what’s happening in the Western World, especially if you’re plugged into mainstream Continue reading Random Thought, 11/5/24


Soft Space to Land

Children need a soft safe space to land. Especially these black teenagers and young adults. Kids in general think they know every damn thing and have all the answers when they haven’t experienced real-world grown folk hardships. So, through their Continue reading Soft Space to Land