Make Room for Laughter

Even while living in the confines of ever-expansive worry or pain

In my brokenness, I will always make room for laughter

Laugh like your life depends on it!

There is power in laughter. Sometimes laughing can be a release of negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and even anger. Sometimes, laughter can diffuse situations or be a warning on how one should proceed. Laughter can signal a breakdown in communication (because you just can’t believe this shit) or it can reset tense interactions (because you both just can’t believe this shit).

Either way, laughter is still the best medicine. Not that serious problems are taken as jokes, but laughing can discharge our darkest impulses. Urges that could ultimately set us back. Instead, laughter can keep us on the right track. It’s a great re-adjuster, stabilizer, and motivator. It can keep us from tripping over the edge of insanity by reminding us that with the loss of it, there goes our humanity.

So, while I hurt and my thoughts run wild with valid concerns, and some days I hold my breath more than I exhale. A smile accompanied by a guttural laugh travels a thousand miles. Its frequency is the glue that holds me together, reminds me that I’ve overcome worse, and there is still power in a smile.

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One Reply to “Make Room for Laughter”

  1. It’s truly essential to laugh while living. It’s what eases pain & gets you thru the hardest of times. Amen 🙏🏽

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